Thursday, June 14, 2007

Is that a portal for the next general election?

Well, I have found a newly created portal that seems to support the government too. I think that it supports UMNO since most of the articles there answers back what has been told by the opposition.

You guys could even register there and post comments on the forum, even submit your own articles there.

Now on the latest news that Malaysia is blacklisted by US as one of the human trafficking offenders. That is way out of line. They have no right to do that. Well, we all know that US have malice towards Malaysia right from the moment that their so called agent was oust from his position of DPM. That is my personal view. Maybe even before that since Malaysia is the most modern and developed Muslim country and Tun Dr Mahathir is the most vocal of all to voice his dissatisfaction towards the biased treatment of the West towards other oppressed Muslim countries all around the world.

All religion preaches to its followers to do good things in life. Therefore, it is not right to associate Islam with aggression and terrorism as it is the individuals action that did that. It is not preached by Islam. Islam only preaches its followers to protect themselves is ever they are attacked by enemies.

What about the Ku Klux Klan in America? They are extremists too. In the Wikipedia, they are termed as the name of several past and present organisations in the United States that have advocated white supremacy, antisemitism, racism, anti-Catolicism, homophobia and nativism. These organisations have often used terrorism, violence and acts of intimidation such as cross burning to opress African Americans and other groups.

So they too are extremists? But why doesn't anyone associate them with the Christian religion. This is basically biased from the West towards the Islamic religion.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Sokong Kerajaan

Saya merupakan seorang yang menyokong Kerajaan Malaysia. Siapakah yang mentadbir Kerajaan Malaysia, tidak lain tidak bukan Barisan Nasional yang diterajui oleh UMNO. Kenapa saya menyokong BN? Kerana BN telah banyak berbakti membantu rakyat terutamanya orang Melayu yang beragama Islam. Jadi kita harus menilai sesuatu sebelum menyokong membabi-buta. Jangan sokong kerana semata-mata percaya kepada dakyah pembangkang yang hanya berniat jahat terhadap kedaulatan negara sendiri. Bagi saya, Hidup UMNO, Hiduplah Melayu. Kerana UMNO adalah parti Melayu yang telah bertapak semenjak 1946 untuk membela orang Melayu dan mendapatkan kemerdekaan negara. Yang lain hanyalah melukut di tepi gantang, menjadi parasit kepada pokok yang dihinggapnya.